Nice to meet you


I am a psychic medium, therapist, energy healer, and a voice and light language medicine woman.

My purpose is to help beings deepen and embrace their connection to their own light and Source.

In the past decade, I have received various activations and teachings, from my higher self, spirit guides and earth guides, so I can grow in awareness and guide other beings in their own process of growth, healing and awakening.

Today, I share my medicine in various forms, including virtual sessions, in person sessions, Light Language Group activations and Intuitive Singing Concerts.

I have also created a course to open up to speaking light language, and work 1 to 1 with light workers and any being that intends to learn about this modality, or seeks a specific teaching or healing that I can provide.

The modalities I attuned to


Reiki & Money Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing modality that uses touch and can also be given distantly through a specific protocol.

Light Language

Light Language is a multidimensional frequency healing modality creating healing, awakening and harmony.

Akashic Records

The akashic records are a space where information is stored. Accessing it gives insight on past, present and possible futures.

My degrees, Certifications and Natural gifts


The Clairs








Intuitive singing

Intuitive painting

Intuitive writing

Intuitive dancing

Natural Gifts

Academic Degrees



2024 - Ongoing

Health Coaching

2022 - Private Teacher based in the USA

Reiki Master Teacher

2022 - Private Teacher based in India

Akashic Records Certification

2018 - Private Teacher based in Argentina

Masters in Cultural Affairs Management

2008 - La Rochelle - France

Bachelor in Business Administration

2006 - Casablanca - Morocco

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about my work, feel free to write to me or send me a WhatsApp.

Lalitha Krishnan (India)

There's a saying in my native tongue that translates to "When God gives, He/She/It showers beyond measure." I found Mouna when I was recovering from the darkest time of my life.

Heartbreak and it's ensuing grief led to my awakening and discovering the Soul behind this body of mine. I have always been into Yoga and meditation. Therapy led me to find deeper healing modalities like Sound healing, Energy healing and Reiki.

But something always seemed amiss.

Until one fine morning, I was led to Mouna's course on Light Language activation.

Intuition made me go through it at once and the moment I heard Mouna speak in her Light language, mine activated. I was able to completely surrender to her guidance and let go of all my inhibitions related to a blocked throat chakra.

Her meditations and live sessions on Insight Timer( the meditation app) made it possible to connect to my Soul and the Divine Source in ways I didn't think was possible. They heal me everyday literally to the core. All the dots connected and I understood that my trauma and pain is related to my many past lives and the grief incurred in them.

The Greek Philosopher Iamblicus wrote: "A man who can unlock his soul is set free."

Light language is a stepping stone to set your Soul free as it's the language of the Soul. If you are a seeker and are ready to listen to your Soul, let Mouna be the key to unlock your Soul's language and help you connect with the Divine Source.

A feedback of one of my students

Voice & Light Language Medicine